Saturday, September 27, 2014

One Proud Mama

Today I did not have to go to work, so I took advantage of that and picked my son, Nicky, up from daycare early. There were a few errands that needed to be done before we could go home and have fun (none of these errands would be considered fun for a 2 year old).

We had to get him a haircut, which he sat completely still for (besides when he was twitching and giggling because the razor on his neck tickled him). Then it was time for his flu shot.....yikes! He did awesome! He sat there talking to the nurse the whole time and only just flinched when he was poked with that needle. Did not even cry.

Nicholas styling his new haircut
My handsome man's new haircut.

Both the hair dresser and the nurse told me that they do not have children years older than him behave as well as he did.

After that it was off to walmart for a birthday present for my mother. I also promised him a new toy for being such a big boy at the previous two stops. He got a new Hiro the Train toy. We had to stop by the bank afterwards, and of course he had to bring in his new toy. From there he preceded to inform everyone he had a train and it would be opened at home. He definitely entertained everyone in that line.

Nicholas playing with his new train
Nick playing with his new train.

We even made great strides in the zone of potty training number 2 today. 
The evening was ending with a bath, a little stargazing (his new favorite activity since he realized the existence of those glowing little fire balls), and reading his new favorite book "Room on the Broom."

By the end of the evening I was puffed up to be one proud mama hen.

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